Head of Leadership and Development
Head of Policy
Head of Committee Relations
Head of Networking
Board of Rotex International
The board of Rotex International is structured by five members with different roles and ranges of responsibilities. The main goal is to maintain and improve the work the previous board has already done and accomplished regarding the Rotex as a part of the Rotary family. Besides representing and promoting Rotex International, the board’s duties include creating, communicating and implementing the Vision and Mission statement of Rotex International, formulating and implementing the strategic plan for Rotex International, and developing, helping and connecting Rotex all over the world. All the five board members are from five different countries, and as a present board, we encourage the continuation of this diversity on the future boards too as we see this exchange of international experiences as one of our strengths.
Structure of Rotex International Board
The board is elected at the Rotex International Annual General Meeting in August and each member is elected for a 2-year term. Term commencements are staggered annually to allow the more senior board members to mentor the newly-elected ones. The following list is to clarify what kind of responsibilities each role and how can work to improve Rotex worldwide.
The president’s role is both an administrator and project-manager for the strategic direction of Rotex as a global organization. They set and organize meetings with both the board and wider electorate, and offer support, direction and guidance in their work. They keep the organization on track to achieving its goals and act as the official representative of Rotex International across the world.
Head of Leadership and Development
The Head of Leadership and Development helps local Rotex to start associations in their zones, regions, and districts and aids Rotex associations in organizing nationally (i.e. Rotex Germany, Rotex Taiwan, Rotex Brazil) and conducts outreach to areas with no recorded Rotex. They also help associations understand their requirements for and benefits to becoming a Rotary Alumni Association.
Head of Policy
The Head of Policy advances the interests of Rotex associations on an international level, both through Rotary International networks and with the Council of Regional Exchange Leaders (COREL). As Rotex International aims to build trust within districts and become more involved in the regulations and management of the Rotary Youth Exchange program, they build and execute on strategies for improving the trust, integration, and connectivity between Rotary Youth Exchange stakeholders.
Head of Networking
The Head of Rotex Networking connects Rotex to Rotex through communications and marketing tools. Their main responsibilities include managing Rotex’s public image online, working closely with the PR committee, as well as planning and launching external Rotex campaigns, social media projects, and storytelling initiatives. They also conduct outreach for collections of Rotex stories and materials to be used in future Rotex and Rotary promotions of the Rotary Youth Exchange and Alumni Programs.
Head of Committee Relations
The Head of Committee Relations works with and manages Rotex International committees as they lead projects to improve the experiences of Rotex worldwide. They ensure that the committee’s goals are aligned with the Rotex International Board; that they have the contacts, resources, and training to carry out their work; that they are working smoothly and on track to meet deadlines; and that their accomplishments are communicated to Rotex Associations across the globe.