A fundraiser by District 5360’s Youth Exchange Team that has raised over $163 000 over the course of 7 events since 2011. It has been run both by Rotarians and entirely by Rotex members but has always involved hands-on exchange student involvement from inbounds and outbounds.
A typical dinner consists of a warm meal, a ShelterBox Responder’s story, then an auction of homemade aprons decorated by inbounds, then desserts home-made by the inbounds from their home countries. There have been variations over the years with regard to dances and additional talks, but the crux of the event remains the auction (pictured) where exchange students get on stage and sell their artistic masterpieces (aprons) to the eager Rotarians in the crowd.
Though there are often mishaps in the organization of the event, it always comes together and is well worth the mad dash to throw it together.
A venue, salespeople/website/social media posts for advertising, dinner,